PEMF Therapy
“PEMF is a benefit for mankind from infant to the geriatric, and will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine.”
— Dr. Linus Pauling, Double Nobel Prize Winner
Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy- The 5th Element
In addition to the four classical elements of health, earth, fire, water and air, there is a 5th element needed for life on earth, that is “not of the material world” and that does have “the power of life.” This fifth element is the earth’s magnetic field and Schumann frequencies, which is referred to as the earth’s PEMFs (pulsed electromagnetic fields).
PEMF Benefits:
Recharge your 100 trillion cells
Improve ATP production
Increase oxygenation
Enhance circulation
Promote hydration
Facilitate detoxification
Gain a better overall absorption of nutrients
Enhance bone density
It’s like putting little “tiny jumper cables” on all your cells and “jump-starting” them back to health. The natural pulsating magnetic energies penetrate throughout your entire body.
Applications of PEMF:
Mat: Used for entire body application
Cushion: Used for local applications e.g. knee, foot, hand, shoulder, etc.
Probe: Used for localized application of individual areas or small spots on the body
Biofeedback and use of PEMF Mat
The WHO (World Health Organization) currently lists Radio Frequency EMFs (which includes microwave frequencies used by cell phones, cordless phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.) as a Group 2B carcinogen. Group 2B means they are “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”
If you spend a lot of time around computers, cell phones and electrical devices, notice how your body becomes tense, agitated, nervous and your head begins to feel uneasy. Basically your body is energetically getting “dirty” with all the unnaturally high microwave and radio frequencies. Your brainwaves become agitated and raised to high beta or even gamma brainwaves (above 30Hz). Just like you take a bath to clean yourself of dirt and waste buildup on your skin, you need to take an electromagnetic bath at least once or twice a day by either getting outdoors, walking barefoot, swimming in the lake or ocean, gardening, etc; OR use an earthbased PEMF device.
In slide 1 (above) shows how your blood responds to dirty electricity or electrosmog (in this case a computer). It clumps together, loses its charge and cannot bind to oxygen as effectively. Furthermore, the clumping makes it difficult for the red blood cells to pass into the capillaries where nutrients and oxygen are released.
In slide 2, after just 8 minutes on a PEMF device that uses frequencies similar to the earth; the blood becomes cleansed of harmful energies, energized, oxygenated and returned to a healthy status.
Use of PEMF Probe
PEMF and the FDA:
The FDA has approved many PEMF devices, most devices are considered safe by various standards and organizations.
PEMF therapy has FDA approval for several conditions like non-union fractures, depression, pain and swelling and even brain cancer!!

About PEMF:
The magnetic fields effortlessly pass through all your tissues and cells for deep healing, giving your body more energy and vitality.
PEMF is a non-contact, non-invasive, non-pharmacological and effective support for many conditions.
PEMF therapy is a safe and effective for promoting and maintaining general cellular health and function.
It has been used extensively for decades and results can be seen in humans and animals.
PEMF jump starts our body’s own natural healing process. The body is self-healing, self-regulating and self-regenerating. It has the natural ability to heal when given the proper energy and elements needed for sustaining life.
Using an earth-based PEMF device is like taking an electromagnetic bath. It resets the body and brain back to the natural earth frequencies and cleanses static electrical buildup.
Magnetic fields (both pulsing and static) are non-invasive, and can address issues with soft and hard tissue at the same time, such as nerve, skin, muscle, tendon and pain (associated with the injuries).
PEMF not only reverses the effects of Magnetic Deficiency but there are over 30,000 research papers showing the PEMFs help over 100 conditions!
Contraindications: Pregnancy, seizure disorder, persons with electronic devices implanted (pacemaker or insulin pump).
Contact your Physician prior to using PEMF Therapy if you have serious cardiac arrhythmia, or other health concerns.
Disclaimer: Any persons seeking the services of Birch Wellness Center must be at least 18 years of age or accompanied by a legal guardian. We do not claim to heal or cure any health condition. It is the readers and/or clients responsibility to do their own research and seek professional medical advice in every instance. No individual should use the information found on this web page for self-diagnosis, treatment, or justification in accepting or declining any medical therapy for any health problems or diseases.
Each of us is responsible for our own wellness journey..........