Rife Therapy
Royal Raymond Rife
Rife was a man, his full name was Royal Raymond Rife, he was born in 1898, he became one of the most brilliant scientists of his time but many of his accomplishments were largely neglected or ignored. He was an accomplished musician, sportsman and doctor and invented the most powerful microscope but more importantly, he found a cure for cancer and other serious diseases. Royal Rife could view bacteria and viruses at unprecedented magnifications. He then invented a plasma machine that could shake these pathogens over the course of many hours. He discovered the frequencies that stopped them from functioning. In 1934, he cured 16 terminally ill patients of cancer.
In 1953, he wrote in his book “no tissue is destroyed, no pain is felt, no noise is audible and no sensation is noticed, a tube lights up and three minutes later, the treatment is completed.” The virus or bacteria is destroyed and then the body recovers itself naturally from the toxic effect of the virus or bacteria. Several diseases may be disabled simultaneously. Why isn’t this system used by doctors today?
Simply put.. money and greed. Why alleviate disease when it can be stabilized and controlled by taking regular doses of profitable drugs. Cures are bad for business!
How does Rife work?
Everything has a vibrating frequency, which is called resonant frequency. For example, an opera singer uses their voice to shatter a crystal glass. The glass is vibrating at a certain frequency and when the opera singer sings at that particular frequency, the glass shatters. In the same way, each microorganism has a unique and specific frequency (or vibrational rate). When you add more of the same frequency to the microorganism, it cannot tolerate it and it bursts or dies.
Rife machines generate resonance waves which have the ability to eliminate harmful bacteria without doing any harm to the users.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, persons with electronic devices implanted (pacemaker or insulin pump).
Contact your Physician prior to using Rife Therapy if you have tumor illnesses, serious cardiac arrhythmia, acute hyperthyroidism or any other health concerns.
Disclaimer: Any persons seeking the services of Birch Wellness Center must be at least 18 years of age or accompanied by a legal guardian. Birch Wellness Center does not claim to heal or cure any health condition. It is the readers and/or clients responsibility to do their own research and seek professional medical advice in every instance. No individual should use the information found on this web page for self-diagnosis, treatment, or justification in accepting or declining any medical therapy for any health problems or diseases.
Each of us is responsible for our own wellness journey..........