Remote Mode
Albert Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance." Modern physics calls it "quantum entanglement." Simply put, it means that if any part of a single system is removed from that system to a different location, any action performed on the part will also be instantaneously performed on the parent system, and vice versa.
Your fingernails are part of a single system - that system is you. So when frequency energy is transmitted to your nails, its effects will also be transmitted to you - and only you, because of the unique identifier present in every cell of your body. Your DNA.
Scalar waves are so powerful that they can be used to control weather, destroy whole cities, or even cause earthquakes and tsunamis. Thankfully, they can also be put to more constructive use.
With Spooky Remote, scalar wave "bubbles" are formed right where the DNA is sitting. The waves are difficult to measure by orthodox means, and act as a signal supercharger both for the audio frequency energy and for the DNA’s own transmission capabilities. The net effect is that the signal that reaches the body is clearer and more powerful than if DNA is used alone.
Spooky2 Remote
Spooky2 Sample Digitizer
The Spooky2 Sample Digitizer can be used for direct scanning of biological samples (urine, saliva, blood, etc.). You are not required to be connected by wires, in fact you do not need to even be in the same country! The result of a sample scan is accurate, due to the high ratio of pathogens within the sample. Spooky2 Sample Digitizer is better suited than TENS scans for finding pathogens in your body.
The use of Spooky2 Sample Digitizer is an experimental function. After a sample scan has completed, Spooky2 Digitizer can automatically send the resultant frequencies to your body. This is possible because of DNA entanglement. The tissue sample in Spooky2 Digitizer is linked to your body. However, treatments are more effective the Spooky2 Remote or contact modes to run your scan results.
In summary, Spooky2 Sample Digitizer has the unique ability to perform biofeedback scans AND apply the frequencies, though for greater effectiveness we use the Spooky2 Remote to apply the frequencies.