Reiki for Animals
No matter their size or species, animals are very open to receiving Reiki’s relaxing energy!
Reiki has many qualities that make it ideal complementary therapy for animals, some of them are:
A cat enjoying his Reiki session with Lori
Reiki is gentle, painless, non-invasive and stress free.
Reiki balances all levels of an animals being: Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
It goes to those issues most in need of balancing, even those unknown to the practitioner.
Reiki can be given at a distance and adapted to any problem that affects animals.
Reiki can do no harm to the recipient or the practitioner.
Animals do not have to be confined or restrained to be treated.
The animal retains large control over the process, how much Reiki they will accept and under what circumstances, they are an active part of their wellness journey.

Reiki for Sick & Terminally Ill Animals
When an animal member is dying, the whole family, human and animal alike is deeply affected.
Reiki is a gentle and powerful way to support the entire family through the process of losing a beloved pet. It helps to bring peace to everyone and the overall situation surrounding the passing of the animal. When provided near or during the time of death, Reiki can provide emotional and spiritual healing to the animal and family as well as relief from the pain and fear for the animal during the process. Furthermore, Reiki can assist the spirit in moving on after death.
Healing doesn’t always mean cure ~
Reiki always works for the highest good of the animal, even when the result isn’t what we hoped for.
In a loving and compassionate way, Reiki always brings the healing the animal needs. We may not always be aware of all the issues the animal is facing but the healing will always occur.
When offering Reiki to a beloved animal in his last days, Reiki can improve the quality of your animals life while he is living, making his passing easier. Many times, animals show relief of symptoms and an improvement in mood and spirit. Some animals may even live longer, in comfort and joy, than anyone expected.
Receiving Reiki for yourself during a time of loss is also very beneficial for both you and your pet. It will help you heal fear and worry about the transition process so that you can be truly present with your companion during his last days, and it will help you make decisions with more clarity. It will also help ease your animals passing, as they often take on our worry and fear themselves to help us. They can be at peace with their own transition process without becoming concerned about our anxiety. When they see that we are at peace, they are often able to turn inward and focus on their transition process.
Disclaimer: Birch Wellness Center does not claim to heal or cure any health condition your animal is experiencing. It is the readers and/or clients responsibility to do their own research and seek professional veterinary advice in every instance. No individual should use the information found on this web page for diagnosis, treatment, or justification in accepting or declining any medical therapy for any health problems or diseases their animal may have.
We are responsible for our pets own wellness journey..........