Biofeedback Scans
“What makes biofeedback so useful is this: labs make mistakes, but the body never lies – because it doesn’t know how to.”
How does Biofeedback work?
When the body encounters stress, it alters its own electrical fields through the autonomic nervous system. The results are changes in skin conductivity, heart rate and how electrical signal behaves.
For example, telling lies to someone creates stress, and the results of this are easily picked up by a polygraph. There’s nothing the subject can do to prevent this since the autonomic nervous system is not under conscious control. And it doesn’t matter how slight or how minute the amount of stress is – the body reacts just the same.
Biofeedback scans require a frequency sweep to be input to the body, plus a system to monitor the results of this. As this sweep is being transmitted, it will disable or injure pathogens. Your body registers these events as stresses, and each one is clearly recorded.
Did you know?
The human body is made up of more than 50% bacterial cells. Most of these organisms are harmless, some are beneficial, and some cause disease.
Rife therapy (Spooky2) is not capable of telling the difference between them – it can only report how big a stress the destruction of each caused in your body. To put it another way, it lists the organisms that “screamed loudest.”
But there’s no guarantee that these are the nasty ones. In fact, serious pathogens are often able to hide from your immune system because they’ve developed stealth strategies. So while they may be hit and killed, their presence might not register over the”noise” of trillions of other bacteria, all of which are also being hit. Repeated scans are necessary to “clear the stage” of all the loud and melodramatic organisms first. When that’s done, Spooky2 can now “hear” the bad guys clearly. Biofeedback scanning is like peeling an onion, layer by layer.
2 Methods of Biofeedback:
Generator X:
Generator X records how the electrical signal behaves. If there’s a resonance for a pathogen in your body, a brief change in the electrical pattern shows that a hit was detected. A biofeedback scan which takes an hour with Spooky Pulse now takes about 10 minutes with the GeneratorX.
GeneratorX uses state-of-the-art components and ingenious circuit design to accurately monitor the current and phase angle of signals all the way up to 40 MHz. So you can really see what is happening in your body.
The final result will be a list of frequencies that can be saved as a set and used to deal with the problem effectively, because now you have the right frequencies. You’ve found the truth and can be well on your way to a healthier you!
*This method takes at most 12 minutes because it detects an electrical signal, so you can sit, read, listen to music, and relax.
Spooky2 XM Generator with Pulse
Spooky2 Pulse
With Spooky Pulse, if you input an ultrasound sweep into a subject’s body, and one or more of its frequencies produces a sympathetic resonance from, say, a pathogen or a parasite, the subject will always have a low-level stress reaction. Which is picked up immediately and recorded by Spooky Pulse’s heart rate monitor that is either attached to your ear or finger.
When the sweep is done, Spooky Pulse will then go through its list of “hits” and sweep carefully around them to find the exact frequencies that produce these tiny stress reactions. Then it will analyze all the hits and the first (strongest) 10 or 20 of them are selected and then assembled into a program that can be saved and used to treat the problem found via contact mode and/or remote mode (at a distance using your DNA- fingernail clipping) so you can carry on with your life while being treated!
*This method takes approximately 1-1.5 hours of you lying still as movement affects your heart rate.